I spent this morning scouting up at Grindleton Fell in Bowland Forest.

It was a bit of a dud. On the OS map it looked promising; a nice piece of woodland with a mile long single track descending about a hundred metres.
It didn’t start off well… I parked at a nearby quarry approx a mile from the top of the forest. According to the map (and nearby signs) there was a footpath that led across a mile of moorland to the forest. Unfortunately this path cut you right through the middle of a bog. I managed to skirt round the bog as much as possible – but it took an hour to even reach the forest, by which point I was knackered and soaked.
When I finally reached the forest, I found the track and it was a bust. Approx 18 inches wide, waterlogged mud, ankle breaking potholes and large boulders down its length. Annoyingly the gradient seemed nice and meant that it could be rideable in better conditions – but not today.
I decided to call it a day at that point. Annoyingly, whilst adding it to the Freeride NW map, I noticed an access road that leads directly to the forest – making the approach much easier.
Summary – probably not worth the hassle for just one track, but I might check it out again if there’s a drought and it completely dries out.
Public Service Announcement on bogs – they are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. It is better to walk miles round one than cutting through one. Bogs are like mossy/muddy quicksand. You can suddenly come across them in the middle of moorland and the depth can vary drastically – from a couple of inches deep (which is annoying and might end with you losing your shoe) to metres deep, which is deadly.
Whilst skirting round this one today I slipped and stepped out of place – my entire weight went on my right leg which sank to my thigh. Luckily it was only one leg which I was able to pull out. If it had been both legs, I wouldn’t have been able to. If you fall in one – don’t panic! Spread your weight out over the largest surface area by leaning back (or using your board for example) and try to roll yourself to an edge, where it is more solid and you can heave yourself out – don’t kick or struggle or you will only sink more.